Saturday, March 15, 2008

Snakes, Foxes, and Penguins

Well, I've finally decided to start a blog up. Why the name? Each animal represents something I hope to include here:

  • Snakes represent the Python programming language, which is my current language of choice. It shows that I hope to include some of my programs, regardless of the language they're written in.
  • Foxes interest me, and they are also a major part of Japanese folklore. The link to Japan here is my hope to share some of my favorite songs via this blog.
  • Pengiuns represent Linux, mainly due to Tux being the mascot. Linux is my main OS, and some of the things I do on it towards system administration and so on will be listed.

Although my postings won't be limited to the above, they are able to represent much about me and what I do.

In order to kick this off, this song [Java applet] will be used as the intro here. I hope you enjoy it, as well as my future posts.

借りて来たビデオも 買い集めて来た薬も効き目がない

片付かない気持ちの話 男友達に打ち明ければ
答や指示を急ぐあまりに なお散らかしてくれるばかりね


△さんざんな真夜中には 女友達はいかが

サヨナラのあとの寂しさなら いずれ治せるわ男次第
でもサヨナラの前から寂しいなら 男の手には負えない

女の敵は女なんだと 男友達は分析をする
少し違うわ 敵は男でも女でもありうるってだけよ

傷ついた日の記憶なら 塗り替えられるわ男次第
でも傷つけたそのままだから まだ立ち直れないんでしょう


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