Saturday, March 15, 2008


Although done several months ago, this is one of my most memorable Perl scripts. It's a script designed to search for ebuilds under any Portage tree, regardless of package managers. Unlike most package managers I've seen, it also searches the metadata.xml files in the tree.


use strict;
use File::Basename;
use XML::DOM;
use Term::ANSIColor;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex);
use MIME::Base64;
use Encode;
use DBI;
use Switch;

our $searchall;
our $colorreplace = -1;
our $insensitive = -1;
our $printg = 1;
our $arch = undef;
our %portdirs;
our %eclasses;
our %modtimes;
our $dbfile = undef;
our $monitorupdates = -1;
our $newdb;
our $nocolor = -1;
#our $ebmode = -1;
our @searchterms;

if(-e "/etc/portfind.conf") {
open(FILE, "</etc/portfind.conf") || die "Configuration file is unreadable.\n";
my @lines = <FILE>;
foreach my $line (@lines) {
if("$line" =~ /^[\s]*\#/) {
elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Hh]ighlight[\:\s]+([Yy]es|[Nn]o)[\s]*$/) {
my $pre = "$line";
$pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Hh]ighlight[\:\s]+([Yy]es|[Nn]o)[\s]*$/\1/;
$pre = lc($pre);
switch($pre) {
case "yes" { $colorreplace = 1 }
else {$colorreplace = 0 }
elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Cc]ase[Ii]nsensitive[\:\s]+([Yy]es|[Nn]o)[\s]*$/) {
my $pre = "$line";
$pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Cc]ase[Ii]nsensitive[\:\s]+([Yy]es|[Nn]o)[\s]*$/\1/;
$pre = lc($pre);
switch($pre) {
case "yes" { $insensitive = 1 }
else {$insensitive = 0 }
elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Mm]onitor[Uu]pdates[\:\s]+([Yy]es|[Nn]o)[\s]*$/) {
my $pre = "$line";
$pre = lc($pre);
$pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Mm]onitor[Uu]pdates[\:\s]+([Yy]es|[Nn]o)[\s]*$/\1/;
switch($pre) {
case "yes" { $monitorupdates = 1 }
else { $monitorupdates = 0 }
# elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Ee]build[Mm]ode[\:\s]+([Ss]hell|[Oo]ld)[\s]*$/) {
# my $pre = "$line";
# $pre = lc($pre);
# $pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Ee]build[Mm]ode[\:\s]+([Ss]hell|[Oo]ld)[\s]*$/\1/;
# switch($pre) {
# case "shell" { $monitorupdates = 1 }
# else { $monitorupdates = 0 }
# }
# }
elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Aa]rch[\:\s]+[A-z0-9\-]+?[\s]*$/) {
my $pre = "$line";
$pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Aa]rch[\:\s]+([A-z0-9\-]+?)[\s]*$/\1/;
$pre = lc($pre);
$arch = "$pre";
elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Ss][Qq][Ll][Ff]ile[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\s]*$/) {
my $pre = "$line";
$pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Ss][Qq][Ll][Ff]ile[\:\s]+([^\:\s]+?)[\s]*$/\1/;
$pre = lc($pre);
$dbfile = "$pre";
elsif("$line" =~ /^[\s]*[Pp]ort[Dd]ir[\:\s]+[a-z0-9_-]+?[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\s]*$/) {
my $key = "$line";
$key =~ s/^[\s]*[Pp]ort[Dd]ir[\:\s]+([a-z0-9_-]+?)[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\s]*$/\1/;
my $pre = "$line";
$pre =~ s/^[\s]*[Pp]ort[Dd]ir[\:\s]+[a-z0-9_-]+?[\:\s]+([^\:\s]+?)[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\s]*$/\1/;
my $eclass = "$line";
$eclass =~ s/^[\s]*[Pp]ort[Dd]ir[\:\s]+[a-z0-9_-]+?[\:\s]+[^\:\s]+?[\:\s]+([^\:\s]+?)[\s]*$/\1/;
$portdirs{$key} = $pre;
$eclasses{$key} = $eclass;
if($colorreplace == -1) {
$colorreplace = 1;
if($insensitive == -1) {
$insensitive = 1;
if($nocolor == -1) {
$nocolor = 0;
if($monitorupdates == -1) {
$monitorupdates = 0;
#if($ebmode == -1) {
# $ebmode = 1;
if(!$arch) {
$arch = "x86";
if(!$dbfile) {
$dbfile = "/usr/portfind.dbl";
if(!scalar %portdirs) {
%portdirs = ("gentoo" => "/usr/portage");
%eclasses = ("gentoo" => "/usr/portage/eclass");

my @opts;
foreach my $ARG (@ARGV) {
if($ARG =~ /^\-\-[^-]+.*$/) {
push(@opts, $ARG);

if(grep(/^\-\-insensitive$/, @opts)) {
$insensitive = 1;
elsif(grep(/^\-\-no\-insensitive$/, @opts)) {
$insensitive = 0;
if(grep(/^\-\-highlight$/, @opts)) {
$colorreplace = 1;
elsif(grep(/^\-\-no\-highlight$/, @opts)) {
$colorreplace = 0;
if(grep(/^\-\-monitor\-updates$/, @opts)) {
$monitorupdates = 1;
elsif(grep(/^\-\-no\-monitor\-updates$/, @opts)) {
$monitorupdates = 0;
if(grep(/^\-\-no-color$/, @opts)) {
$nocolor = 1;

if($printg) {
my $text .= "Portfind-uSQL pre-alpha, Copyright (C) 2007 Neil E. Hodges\n";
$text .= "portfind-uSQL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY\n";
print $text;

if(-e "$dbfile" && $monitorupdates) {
my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:$dbfile") || die "Unable to open DBFile: $dbfile\n";
foreach my $key (%portdirs) {
my $portdir = $portdirs{$key};
if(-e "$portdir") {
my $modtime = -A "$portdir";
my $dbmodtime;
my $dbdata = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM modtimes WHERE dir = \'$portdir\'");
foreach my $dbdat (@{$dbdata}) {
$dbmodtime = ${$dbdat}[2];
if(abs($dbmodtime - $modtime) >= 0.02) {
print colored("$portdir has been modified", 'bold red') . ": Please " . colored("--update", 'bold yellow') . "\n";
$modtimes{$key} = 1;
elsif(!$dbmodtime) {
print colored("${portdir}'s modification time hasn't been recorded", 'bold red') . ": Please " . colored("--update", 'bold yellow') . "\n";
else {
$modtimes{$key} = 0;

if(scalar @ARGV < 1) {
$searchall = 1;
elsif(grep(/^\-\-update$/, @opts)) {
$newdb = 1;
$searchall = 1;
elsif(grep(/^\-\-help$/, @opts)) {
my $text = "Usage: " . basename($0) . " " . colored("\[", 'bold') . " " . colored("option", 'bold green') . " " . colored("\|", 'bold') . " search terms " . colored("\]", 'bold') . "\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("Options:\n", 'bold');
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--help", 'bold green') . ": Display this message.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--update", 'bold yellow') . ": Update database.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--help-config", 'bold red') . ": Configuration help.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--no-color", 'bold blue') . ": Disables colored output.\n";
$text .= "\tThe following options can be given the " . colored("--no", 'bold') . " beginning. E.G.: --no-insensitive\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--insensitive", 'bold cyan') . ": Toggles case sensitivity.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--highlight", 'bold cyan') . ": Toggles highlighting of search terms in found text.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("--monitor-updates", 'bold cyan') . ": Toggles Portage tree update monitoring by access time.\n";
if($nocolor) {
print &nocolor("$text");
else {
print "$text";
elsif(grep(/^\-\-help-config$/, @opts)) {
my $text = colored(basename($0) . " Configuration:", 'bold') . "\n";
$text .= "Configuration file lies at " . colored("/etc/portfind.conf", 'bold blue') . ": " . ((-e "/etc/portfind.conf") ? colored("Found", 'bold green') : colored("Not found", 'bold red')) . "\n";
$text .= "\tAny line began with a \# is a comment.\n";
$text .= "\tLines are written a leading config option, and separators are \: and/or spaces, ending with a newline.\n";
$text .= "\t\tE.G.: \"CaseInsensitive\: Yes\"\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("CaseInsensitive", 'bold cyan') . ": " . colored("Yes", 'bold green') . " or " . colored("No", 'bold red') . ": Toggles whether to search without case sensitivity.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Note", 'bold') . ": The case sensitive search is much quicker.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . (($insensitive) ? colored("Yes", 'bold green') : colored("No", 'bold red')) . "\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("Highlight", 'bold cyan') . ": " . colored("Yes", 'bold green') . " or " . colored("No", 'bold red') . ": Toggles whether to highlight search terms in found text.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . (($colorreplace) ? colored("Yes", 'bold green') : colored("No", 'bold red')) . "\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("MonitorUpdates", 'bold cyan') . ": " . colored("Yes", 'bold green') . " or " . colored("No", 'bold red') . ": Toggles whether updates are monitored via access times.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . (($monitorupdates) ? colored("Yes", 'bold green') : colored("No", 'bold red')) . "\n";
# $text .= "\t" . colored("EbuildMode", 'bold cyan') . ": " . colored("Shell", 'bold green') . " or " . colored("Old", 'bold red') . ": Toggles whether to use the new " . colored("", 'bold green') . " shell script or the old " . colored("ebuild_parse", 'bold red') . " program.\n";
# $text .= "\t\t" . colored("Note", 'bold') . ": The shell script method is faster.\n";
# $text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . (($ebmode) ? colored("Shell", 'bold green') : colored("Old", 'bold red')) . "\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("Arch", 'bold cyan') . ": The architecture as put by Portage of your current systems.\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . colored($arch, 'bold green') . "\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("SQLFile", 'bold cyan') . ": The location of the SQLite database\n";
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . colored($dbfile, 'bold green') . ": " . ((-e $dbfile) ? colored("Found", 'bold green') : colored("Not Found, please ", 'bold red') . colored("--update", 'bold yellow')) . "\n";
$text .= "\t" . colored("PortDir", 'bold cyan') . ": The Portage trees, including overlays and the main tree\n";
$text .= "\t\tMay be specified multiple times for multiple trees.\n";
$text .= "\t\tPortDir: name /path/to/tree /path/to/eclass\n";
if($monitorupdates) {
foreach my $key (keys %portdirs) {
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . colored("$key", 'green') . " -> " . colored("$portdirs{$key}", 'bold green') . ": " . ((-e $portdirs{$key}) ? colored("Found", 'bold green') . (($modtimes{$key}) ? "/" . colored("Update", 'bold red') : "") : colored("Not found", 'bold red')) . " (" . colored("Eclass: ", 'bold yellow') . colored("$eclasses{$key}", 'bold green') . ": " . ((-e $eclasses{$key}) ? colored("Found", 'bold green') : colored("Not Found", 'bold red')) . ")\n";
else {
foreach my $key (keys %portdirs) {
$text .= "\t\t" . colored("Currently", 'bold yellow') . ": " . colored("$key", 'green') . " -> " . colored("$portdirs{$key}", 'bold green') . ": " . ((-e $portdirs{$key}) ? colored("Found", 'bold green') : colored("Not found", 'bold red')) . " (" . colored("Eclass: ", 'bold yellow') . colored("$eclasses{$key}", 'bold green') . ": " . ((-e $eclasses{$key}) ? colored("Found", 'bold green') : colored("Not Found", 'bold red')) . ")\n";
if($nocolor) {
print &nocolor("$text");
else {
print "$text";
else {
$searchall = 0;
foreach my $ARG (@ARGV) {
if(!($ARG =~ /^--[^-]+.*$/)) {
push(@searchterms, $ARG);
if($newdb && -e "$dbfile") {

my $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:$dbfile") || die "Unable to open DBFile: $dbfile\n";

if($newdb) {
print "Creating new DB at $dbfile...\n";
my @categories = &generate_db;

$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE ebuilds(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, name CHAR(64), catname CHAR(32), longdesc CHAR(2048), longhash CHAR(32))");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE shortdescs(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, ename CHAR(64), catname CHAR(32), version CHAR(32), mask CHAR(8), shortdesc CHAR(1024), shorthash CHAR(32), use CHAR(512))");
$dbh->do("CREATE TABLE modtimes(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, dir CHAR(512), modtime REAL)");

foreach my $key (%portdirs) {
my $portdir = $portdirs{$key};
if(-e "$portdir") {
my $modtime = -A "$portdir";
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO modtimes (dir, modtime) VALUES(\'$portdir\', $modtime)");

my $sth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO ebuilds (name, catname, longdesc, longhash) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?)");
my $lth = $dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO shortdescs (ename, catname, version, mask, shortdesc, shorthash, use) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
print "Building SQLite database.\n";
my $precent = 0;
my $len = scalar @categories;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $category = $categories[$i];
my $catname = $category->name;
$dbh->do("INSERT INTO categories (name) VALUES(\'$catname\')");
my @ebuilds = @{$category->ebuilds};
foreach my $ebuild (@ebuilds) {
my $ename = $ebuild->name;
my $longdesc = $ebuild->longdesc;
my %shortdesc = %{$ebuild->shortdesc};
my %use = %{$ebuild->use};
my %mask = %{$ebuild->mask};
$longdesc = (($longdesc) ? "$longdesc" : "NULL");
$sth->execute($ename, $catname, $longdesc, &ascii_md5_hex("$longdesc"));
foreach my $key (sort keys %shortdesc) {
$lth->execute($ename, $catname, $key, $mask{$key}, $shortdesc{$key}, &ascii_md5_hex("$shortdesc{$key}"), $use{$key});
my $percent = (($i + 1) / $len) * 100;
if(abs($precent - $percent) >= 0.7) {
print "\b\b\b\b" . &round($percent) . "%";
$precent = $percent;
print "\nComplete.\n";
else {
if($searchall) {
my @categories = &extract_from_db($dbh);
if($nocolor) {
foreach my $category (@categories) {
foreach my $ebuild (@{$category->ebuilds}) {
print &nocolor(&printinfo($ebuild, $category->name));
else {
foreach my $category (@categories) {
foreach my $ebuild (@{$category->ebuilds}) {
print (&printinfo($ebuild, $category->name));
else {
my @found;
@found = &search_from_db($dbh);
if($nocolor) {
if(scalar @found == 0) {
print "No results.\n";
else {
foreach my $sf (@found) {
print &nocolor(&printinfo($sf->ebuild, $sf->category->name));
else {
if(scalar @found == 0) {
print colored("No results.", 'bold red') . "\n";
else {
foreach my $sf (@found) {
print (&printinfo($sf->ebuild, $sf->category->name));

sub extract_from_db {
my $dbh = shift;
my @categories;
my $dbcategories = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM categories");
foreach my $dbcategory (@{$dbcategories}) {
my $category = new Category;

my $dbebuilds = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM ebuilds WHERE catname = \'${$dbcategory}[1]\'");
foreach my $dbebuild (@{$dbebuilds}) {
my $ebuild = new Ebuild;
my $ename = $ebuild->name;
my $longdesc = ${$dbebuild}[3];
$ebuild->longdesc(($longdesc eq "NULL") ? undef : $longdesc);
my $dbshortdescs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM shortdescs WHERE ename = \'$ename\'");
foreach my $dbshortdesc (@{$dbshortdescs}) {
my $version = ${$dbshortdesc}[2];
${$ebuild->shortdesc}{$version} = ${$dbshortdesc}[4];
${$ebuild->mask}{$version} = ${$dbshortdesc}[3];
push(@{$category->ebuilds}, $ebuild);
push(@categories, $category);
return @categories;
sub search_from_db {
my $dbh = shift;
my @found;
my $dbcategories = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM categories");
print STDERR "Initiating search.\n";
my $len = scalar @{$dbcategories};
my $precent = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $dbcategory = ${$dbcategories}[$i];
my $category = new Category;
my $catname = ${$dbcategory}[1];
foreach my $term (@searchterms) {
my $dbebuilds;
if($insensitive) {
$dbebuilds = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM ebuilds WHERE catname = \'$catname\' AND (name LIKE \'\%$term\%\' OR longdesc LIKE \'\%$term\%\')");
else {
$dbebuilds = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM ebuilds WHERE catname = \'$catname\' AND (name GLOB \'\*$term\*\' OR longdesc GLOB \'\*$term\*\')");
foreach my $dbebuild (@{$dbebuilds}) {
my $ebuild = new Ebuild;
my $ename = ${$dbebuild}[1];
my $longdesc = ${$dbebuild}[3];
if($longdesc ne "NULL") {
else {
$longdesc = undef;

my $dbshortdescs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM shortdescs WHERE ename = \'${$dbebuild}[1]\' AND catname = \'$catname\'");
foreach my $dbshortdesc (@{$dbshortdescs}) {
my $version = ${$dbshortdesc}[3];
my $shortdesc = ${$dbshortdesc}[5];
${$ebuild->shortdesc}{$version} = $shortdesc;
${$ebuild->mask}{$version} = ${$dbshortdesc}[4];
${$ebuild->use}{$version} = ${$dbshortdesc}[7];
my $enc = new Encapsulated;
push(@found, $enc);

my $dbshortdescs;
if($insensitive) {
$dbshortdescs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM shortdescs WHERE shortdesc LIKE \'\%$term\%\' AND catname = \'$catname\'");
else {
$dbshortdescs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM shortdescs WHERE shortdesc GLOB \'\*$term\*\' AND catname = \'$catname\'");
foreach my $dbshortdesc(@{$dbshortdescs}) {
my $ename = ${$dbshortdesc}[1];
if(&findebuild_encapsulated("$catname/$ename", 0, @found) == -1) {
my $dbebuilds = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM ebuilds WHERE catname = \'$catname\' AND name = \'$ename\'");
my $dbename = undef;
my $longdesc = undef;
foreach my $dbebuild (@{$dbebuilds}) {
if($ename eq ${$dbebuild}[1] && $catname eq ${$dbebuild}[2]) {
$dbename = ${$dbebuild}[1];
$longdesc = ${$dbebuild}[3];
if($dbename) {
my $ebuild = new Ebuild;
$ebuild->longdesc(($longdesc eq "NULL") ? undef : $longdesc);

my $dbebuild_shortdescs = $dbh->selectall_arrayref("SELECT * FROM shortdescs WHERE ename = \'$ename\' AND catname = \'$catname\'");
foreach my $dbebuild_shortdesc (@{$dbebuild_shortdescs}) {
my $version = ${$dbshortdesc}[3];
my $shortdesc = ${$dbshortdesc}[5];
${$ebuild->shortdesc}{$version} = $shortdesc;
${$ebuild->mask}{$version} = ${$dbshortdesc}[4];
${$ebuild->use}{$version} = ${$dbshortdesc}[7];
my $enc = new Encapsulated;
push(@found, $enc);
my $percent = (($i + 1) / $len) * 100;
if(abs($precent - $percent) >= 0.7) {
print STDERR "\b\b\b\b" . &round($percent) . "%";
$precent = $percent;
print STDERR "\nSearch complete.\n";
return @found;
sub generate_db {
my @categories;
print "Reading directory tree.\n";
foreach my $key (keys %portdirs) {
my $portdir = $portdirs{$key};
if(-e "$portdir") {
print "\nFor $portdir:\nFinding categories\n";
my @categorydirs = <$portdir/*-*>;
my $len = scalar @categorydirs;
my $precent = 0;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $category = $categorydirs[$i];
if(-d "$category" && !(&findcategory(@categories, basename("$category")))) {
my $cat = new Category;
push(@categories, $cat);

my $percent = (($i + 1) / $len) * 100;
if(abs($precent - $percent) >= 0.7) {
print "\b\b\b\b" . &round($percent) . "%";
$precent = $percent;
print "\nFinding ebuilds\n";

my $precent = 0;
my $len = scalar @categories;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $category = $categories[$i];
my $catname = $category->name;
foreach my $subdir (<$portdir/$catname/*>) {
my @tfiles = <$subdir/*>; # TEMPORARY TO FIND EBUILDS
if(-d "$subdir" && scalar @tfiles) {
my $ebuild = undef;
my $found = &findebuild(@{$category->ebuilds}, basename("$subdir"));
if($found > -1) {
$ebuild = ${$category->ebuilds}[$found];
else {
$ebuild = new Ebuild;
foreach my $file (<$subdir/*>) {
if(! -d "$file") {
push(@{$ebuild->files}, basename("$file"));
if($found > -1) {
${$category->ebuilds}[$found] = $ebuild;
else {
push(@{$category->ebuilds}, $ebuild);
my $percent = (($i + 1) / $len) * 100;
if(abs($precent - $percent) >= 0.7) {
print "\b\b\b\b" . &round($percent) . "%";
$precent = $percent;
print "\nCreating database from files.";
foreach my $key (keys %portdirs) {
my $portdir = $portdirs{$key};
my $eclass = $eclasses{$key};
if(-e "$portdir") {
print "\nFor $portdir:\n";
my $precent = 0;
my $len = scalar @categories;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
my $category = $categories[$i];
my $catname = $category->name;
foreach my $ebuild (@{$category->ebuilds}) {
my $ename = $ebuild->name;
if(-d "$portdir/$catname/$ename") {
foreach my $file (@{$ebuild->files}) {
if("$file" eq "metadata.xml" && -e "$portdir/$catname/$ename/$file") {
my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
my $xml = $parser->parsefile("<$portdir/$catname/$ename/$file");
my $nodes = $xml->getElementsByTagName("longdescription");
my $n = $nodes->getLength;
for(my $i = 0; $i < $n; $i++) {
my $node = $nodes->item($i);
my $lang = $node->getAttributeNode("lang");
if($n == 1 || ($lang && $lang->getValue eq "en")) {
my $children = $node->getChildNodes;
my $nc = $children->getLength;
for(my $c = 0; $c < $nc; $c++) {
my $subnode = $children->item($c);
if($subnode->getNodeType == TEXT_NODE) {
elsif("$file" =~ /\.ebuild$/ && -e "$portdir/$catname/$ename/$file") {
my $version = "$file";
my $tmpename = "$ename";
my $descfound = 0;
my $maskfound = 0;
$tmpename =~ s/\+/\\\+/g;
$version =~ s/^$tmpename-([a-z0-9_.-]+)\.ebuild$/\1:$key/;
# open(FILE, "<$portdir/$catname/$ename/$file");
# my @lines = <FILE>;
# chomp(@lines);
# close(FILE);
my %varhash;
# if($ebmode) {
%varhash = &ebuild_get_vars_sh($catname, "$portdir/$catname/$ename/$file", $eclass);
# }
# else {
# %varhash = &ebuild_get_vars("$portdir/$catname/$ename/$file", $eclass);
# }
# foreach my $line (@lines) {
# if("$line" =~ /DESCRIPTION=\".*?\"/) {
# my $desc = "$line";
# $desc =~ s/^.*?DESCRIPTION=\"(.*?)\".*?$/\1/;
# ${$ebuild->shortdesc}{$version} = "$desc";
# $descfound = 1;
# }
# elsif("$line" =~ /KEYWORDS=\".*?\"/) {
# my $keywords = "$line";
# my $keyword = undef;
# if("$keywords" =~ /[\"\s]\~$arch([\"\s])/) {
# $keyword = "~";
# }
# elsif("$keywords" =~ /[\"\s]$arch([\"\s])/) {
# $keyword = "+";
# }
# elsif("$keywords" =~ /[\"\s]\-$arch([\"\s])/) {
# $keyword = "-";
# }
# else {
# $keyword = " ";
# }
# ${$ebuild->mask}{$version} = "$keyword";
# $maskfound = 1;
# }
# }
${$ebuild->shortdesc}{$version} = $varhash{"DESCRIPTION"};
my $keywords = $varhash{"KEYWORDS"};
my $keyword = undef;

if("$keywords" =~ /\~($arch)([^a-z0-9-]+|$)/) {
$keyword = "~";
elsif("$keywords" =~ /($arch)([^a-z0-9-]+|$)/) {
$keyword = "+";
elsif("$keywords" =~ /\-($arch)([^a-z0-9-]+|$)/) {
$keyword = "-";
else {
$keyword = " ";
${$ebuild->mask}{$version} = "$keyword";

${$ebuild->use}{$version} = $varhash{"IUSE"};
if($varhash{"DESCRIPTION"} =~ /^[\s\t]*$/) {
${$ebuild->shortdesc}{$version} = undef;
my $percent = (($i + 1) / $len) * 100;
if(abs($precent - $percent) >= 0.7) {
print "\b\b\b\b" . &round($percent) . "%";
$precent = $percent;
print "\nGeneration complete.\n";
return @categories;

#sub ebuild_get_vars {
# my $efile = shift;
# my $eclass = shift;
# my $foo;
# my %varhash;
# $foo = `ebuild_parse $efile $eclass`;
# my @data = split(/\n/, $foo);
# foreach my $dat (@data) {
# my $varname = $dat;
# $varname =~ s/^\'([A-z0-9_-]*?)\': \'\'\'.*\'\'\'$/\1/;
# my $varvalue = $dat;
# $varvalue =~ s/^\'[A-z0-9_-]*?\': \'\'\'(.*)\'\'\'$/\1/;
# $varhash{$varname} = $varvalue;
# }
# return %varhash;
sub ebuild_get_vars_sh {
my $catname = shift;
my $efile = shift;
my $eclass = shift;
my $foo;
my %varhash;
my $pv = basename($efile);
my $pdir = $efile; # Package name
$pdir =~ s/\/[^\/]*\.ebuild$//;
$pdir = basename($pdir);
$pdir =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
if($pv =~ /^$pdir-.*?-r[0-9]+\.ebuild/) {
$pv =~ s/^$pdir-(.*?)-r[0-9]+\.ebuild$/\1/;
else {
$pv =~ s/^$pdir-(.*?)\.ebuild$/\1/;
$foo = ` $efile $catname $pdir $pv $eclass`;
my @data = split(/\n/, $foo);
foreach my $dat (@data) {
my $varname = $dat;
$varname =~ s/^\'([A-z0-9_-]*?)\': \'\'\'.*\'\'\'$/\1/;
my $varvalue = $dat;
$varvalue =~ s/^\'[A-z0-9_-]*?\': \'\'\'(.*)\'\'\'$/\1/;
$varhash{$varname} = $varvalue;
return %varhash;

sub findcategory {
my $catname = pop @_;
my @categories = @_;
foreach my $category (@categories) {
my $name = $category->name;
if("$name" eq "$catname") {
return 1;
return 0;
sub findebuild {
my $ename = pop @_;
my @ebuilds = @_;
for(my $i = 0; $i < scalar @ebuilds; $i++) {
my $name = $ebuilds[$i]->name;
if("$name" eq "$ename") {
return $i;
return -1;
sub findebuild_encapsulated {
my $ename = shift;
my $i0 = shift;
my @encapsulated = @_;
for(my $i = $i0; $i < scalar @encapsulated; $i++) {
my $enc = $encapsulated[$i];
my $category = $enc->category;
my $catname = $category->name;

my $ebuild = $enc->ebuild;
my $cename = $ebuild->name;
if($ename eq "$catname/$cename") {
return $i;
return -1;
sub highlight {
my $term = shift;
my $text = shift;
my $colors = shift;
my $recolor = color shift;
my $uncolor = color 'reset';
my @captured;
if($insensitive) {
@captured = "$text" =~ /$term/ig;
else {
@captured = "$text" =~ /$term/g;
foreach my $found (@captured) {
my $colored = colored("$found", $colors);
my $filterfound = "$found";
$filterfound =~ s/(\W)/\\\1/g;
$text =~ s/$filterfound/${uncolor}${colored}${recolor}/g;
return $text;

sub printinfo {
my $ebuild = shift;
my $catname = shift;
my $ename = $ebuild->name;
my $longdesc = $ebuild->longdesc;
my %shortdesc = %{$ebuild->shortdesc};
my %mask = %{$ebuild->mask};
my %use = %{$ebuild->use};
if($colorreplace) {
foreach my $term (@searchterms) {
$ename = &highlight($term, $ename, 'cyan', 'bold blue');
$longdesc = &highlight($term, $longdesc, 'cyan', 'reset');
foreach my $version (keys %shortdesc) {
$shortdesc{$version} = &highlight($term, $shortdesc{$version}, 'cyan', 'reset');

my $ret = colored("$catname/$ename\n", 'bold blue');
$ret .= "\t" . colored("Short Description\n", 'bold green');
foreach my $version (reverse sort keys %shortdesc) {
my $maskcolor = color('reset') . colored("$mask{$version}", 'red') . color('bold yellow');
$ret .= "\t\t" . colored("$version [$maskcolor]: ", 'bold yellow') . "$shortdesc{$version}\n";
if($use{$version}) {
$ret .= "\t\t\t" . colored("USE:", 'bold blue') . " " . colored($use{$version}, 'green') . "\n";
if($longdesc && !("$longdesc" =~ /^[\s\t\n]*$/)) {
my @arraydesc = split(/\n/, "$longdesc");
if(!$arraydesc[0]) {
$ret .= "\t" . colored("Long Description\n", 'bold red');
foreach my $line (@arraydesc) {
$line =~ s/^[\s\t]*/\t\t/g;
$ret .= "$line\n";
$ret .= "\n";
return "$ret";
sub ascii_md5_hex {
my $text = shift;
$text = encode("ascii", "$text");
return md5_hex("$text");
sub round {
my $number = shift;
return int($number + .5 * ($number <=> 0));
sub nocolor {
my $text = shift;
$text =~ s/\e\[.+?m//g;
return $text;

package Category;
sub new {
my $self = { };
my $class = shift;
return bless($self, $class);
sub name {
my $self = shift;
$self->{NAME} = shift if @_;
return $self->{NAME};
sub ebuilds {
my $self = shift;
if(!defined $self->{EBUILDS}) {
$self->{EBUILDS} = [ ];
return $self->{EBUILDS};
package Encapsulated;
sub new {
my $self = { };
my $class = shift;
return bless($self, $class);
sub category {
my $self = shift;
$self->{CATEGORY} = shift if @_;
return $self->{CATEGORY};
sub ebuild {
my $self = shift;
$self->{EBUILD} = shift if @_;
return $self->{EBUILD};
package Ebuild;
sub new {
my $self = { };
my $class = shift;
return bless($self, $class);
sub name {
my $self = shift;
$self->{NAME} = shift if @_;
return $self->{NAME};
sub files {
my $self = shift;
if(!defined $self->{FILES}) {
$self->{FILES} = [ ];
return $self->{FILES};
sub longdesc {
my $self = shift;
$self->{LDESC} = shift if @_;
return $self->{LDESC};
sub shortdesc {
my $self = shift;
if(!defined $self->{SDESC}) {
$self->{SDESC} = { };
return $self->{SDESC};
sub use {
my $self = shift;
if(!defined $self->{USE}) {
$self->{USE} = { };
return $self->{USE};
sub mask {
my $self = shift;
if(!defined $self->{MASK}) {
$self->{MASK} = { };
return $self->{MASK};

Example portfind.conf

Highlight: yes
CaseInsensitive: no
Arch: amd64
SeachMode: DB
Portdir: gentoo /usr/portage /usr/portage/eclass
SQLFile: /usr/portfind.dbl
MonitorUpdates: no

env -i
set +o posix
if [ "$5" = "" ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 ebuild catname ename vers eclassdir"
exit 1

# Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation

export SANDBOX_WRITE="${SANDBOX_WRITE}:/dev/shm:/dev/stdout:/dev/stderr:${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}"
export SANDBOX_READ="${SANDBOX_READ}:/dev/shm:/dev/stdin:${PORTAGE_TMPDIR}"

if [ ! -z "${PORTAGE_GPG_DIR}" ]; then

declare -rx EBUILD_PHASE

function qa_source () {
local shopts=$(shopt) OLDIFS="$IFS"
source "$@" || return 1
# [[ $shopts != $(shopt) ]] &&
# eqawarn "QA Notice: Global shell options changed and were not restored while sourcing '$*'"
# [[ "$IFS" != "$OLDIFS" ]] &&
# eqawarn "QA Notice: Global IFS changed and was not restored while sourcing '$*'"
return 0

function qa_call() {
local shopts=$(shopt) OLDIFS="$IFS"
"$@" || return 1
# [[ $shopts != $(shopt) ]] &&
# eqawarn "QA Notice: Global shell options changed and were not restored while calling '$*'"
# [[ "$IFS" != "$OLDIFS" ]] &&
# eqawarn "QA Notice: Global IFS changed and was not restored while calling '$*'"
return 0

# We need this next line for "die" and "assert". It expands
# It _must_ preceed all the calls to die and assert.
shopt -s expand_aliases
function die () {
echo -n
#alias die='exit 1'
alias assert='_pipestatus="${PIPESTATUS[*]}"; [[ "${_pipestatus// /}" -eq 0 ]] || exit 1'
alias save_IFS='[ "${IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ] && old_IFS="${IFS}"'
alias restore_IFS='if [ "${old_IFS:-unset}" != "unset" ]; then IFS="${old_IFS}"; unset old_IFS; else unset IFS; fi'


# the sandbox is disabled by default except when overridden in the relevant stages
export SANDBOX_ON="0"

function addread () {
echo -n

function addwrite () {
echo -n

function adddeny () {
echo -n

function addpredict () {
echo -n

function lchown () {
chown -h "$@"

function lchgrp () {
chgrp -h "$@"
function esyslog () {
return 0

function use () {
useq ${1}

function usev () {
if useq ${1}; then
echo "${1}"
return 0
return 1

function useq () {
local u=$1
local found=0

# if we got something like '!flag', then invert the return value
if [[ ${u:0:1} == "!" ]] ; then

# Make sure we have this USE flag in IUSE
if ! hasq "${u}" ${IUSE} ${E_IUSE} && ! hasq "${u}" ${PORTAGE_ARCHLIST} selinux; then
# eqawarn "QA Notice: USE Flag '${u}' not in IUSE for ${CATEGORY}/${PF}"
echo -n

if hasq ${u} ${USE} ; then
return ${found}
return $((!found))
function has_version () {
if [ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "depend" ]; then
return 1
if "${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}/portageq" 'has_version' "${ROOT}" "$1"; then
return 0
return 1

function portageq () {
if [ "${EBUILD_PHASE}" == "depend" ]; then
return 1
"${PORTAGE_BIN_PATH}/portageq" "$@"

function hasq () {
[[ " ${*:2} " == *" $1 "* ]]
function has () {
hasq "$@"
function debug-print () {
echo -n

function debug-print-function () {
echo -n

function debug-print-section () {
echo -n
function use_with () {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "!!! use_with() called without a parameter." >&2
echo "!!! use_with <USEFLAG> [<flagname> [value]]" >&2
return 1

local UW_SUFFIX=""
if [ ! -z "${3}" ]; then

local UWORD="$2"
if [ -z "${UWORD}" ]; then

if useq $1; then
echo "--with-${UWORD}${UW_SUFFIX}"
echo "--without-${UWORD}"
return 0

function use_enable () {
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "!!! use_enable() called without a parameter." >&2
echo "!!! use_enable <USEFLAG> [<flagname> [value]]" >&2
return 1

local UE_SUFFIX=""
if [ ! -z "${3}" ]; then

local UWORD="$2"
if [ -z "${UWORD}" ]; then

if useq $1; then
echo "--enable-${UWORD}${UE_SUFFIX}"
echo "--disable-${UWORD}"
return 0
function eerror () {
echo -n
for i in $*
export $i
function inherit () {
for i in $*
if [ -e "$ECLASSDIR/$i.eclass" ]; then
source "$ECLASSDIR/$i.eclass"
source "/usr/portage/eclass/$i.eclass"

source "$EBUILDFILE"
echo "'IUSE': '''$IUSE'''"
echo "'KEYWORDS': '''$KEYWORDS'''"

Help output

# portfind-usql --help
Portfind-uSQL pre-alpha, Copyright (C) 2007 Neil E. Hodges
portfind-uSQL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
Usage: portfind-usql [ option | search terms ]
--help: Display this message.
--update: Update database.
--help-config: Configuration help.
--no-color: Disables colored output.
The following options can be given the --no beginning. E.G.: --no-insensitive
--insensitive: Toggles case sensitivity.
--highlight: Toggles highlighting of search terms in found text.
--monitor-updates: Toggles Portage tree update monitoring by access time.
# portfind-usql --help-config
Portfind-uSQL pre-alpha, Copyright (C) 2007 Neil E. Hodges
portfind-uSQL comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY
portfind-usql Configuration:
Configuration file lies at /etc/portfind.conf: Found
Any line began with a # is a comment.
Lines are written a leading config option, and separators are : and/or spaces, ending with a newline.
E.G.: "CaseInsensitive: Yes"
CaseInsensitive: Yes or No: Toggles whether to search without case sensitivity.
Note: The case sensitive search is much quicker.
Currently: No
Highlight: Yes or No: Toggles whether to highlight search terms in found text.
Currently: Yes
MonitorUpdates: Yes or No: Toggles whether updates are monitored via access times.
Currently: No
Arch: The architecture as put by Portage of your current systems.
Currently: amd64
SQLFile: The location of the SQLite database
Currently: /usr/portfind.dbl: Found
PortDir: The Portage trees, including overlays and the main tree
May be specified multiple times for multiple trees.
PortDir: name /path/to/tree /path/to/eclass
Currently: gentoo -> /usr/portage: Found (Eclass: /usr/portage/eclass: Found)

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