Thursday, July 30, 2009


I came across this song while browsing the Vocaloid Wiki, and boy I was caught by surprise. It's no wonder it's popular outside of Japan: it's very upbeat, and manages to feature most of the Vocaloids (including fan-made) at least once.

It was painful getting the source encoding of the lyrics file correct, but here it is in Unicode for your enjoyment.

Honey くれたよね わたしに
愛のメロディ 今
心の中で 響いてる

Honey 君はなんでも お見通し
伝えたいの 私の気持ち

笑っても 泣いても

送るわね Honey
愛の言葉 顔文字たくさん使い
二人でヒミツしましょ 愛を感じていたい

君が呼ぶ Honey
甘い言葉 心のブログ更新し
幸せと 驚きで 飽きないの

ねえ わたしに 君 教えて

Honey くれたよね わたしに
愛のイヤホン 今
心の中で 使ってる

Honey 君の声しか 聴こえない
頭の中 ハートでいっぱい

喜びも 悲しみも

送るわね Honey
愛の言葉 顔文字たくさん使い
二人でヒミツしましょ 愛を感じていたい

君が呼ぶ Honey
甘い言葉 心のブログ更新し
幸せと 驚きで 飽きないの

ねえ わたしに 君 教えて

Friday, July 24, 2009

新世界 - 平原綾香

This song was in a dream I had last night. It's based on Dvorak's New World Symphony.

Find your way, no matter how hard it is.
Keep your feet on the ground and see what is waiting
the new world is there.

When I'm lost 青い 月明かり
夢の続き 探してた

出会い 別れ 夢やぶれて
すべてが 終わりのように見えた

どんな 自分を 生きればいい
どこまで 人を 信じればいい

きっと 心に 夜明けは来る
まだ 見えない未来の 向こうから

When I'm lost 遠い 道の先で
自分との決まりを 今 破る時

くるしいこころも そのままでいい
かなしいおもいも そのままでいい

それは 心 なおすことなく 手放すこと
いつだって きっと自分は 生まれ変われる

いのち 満ちる この地球(ふるさと)
誰もが 帰る 旅の果てに

まだ知らない この私が微笑んでいる

どんな 自分でも 愛していたい
今起こる 何もかも 信じたいから

溢れ出す涙 夢を見せて
私だけに 出来る 何かが 必ずある

なつかしい大地を 強く踏みしめて

もう何も 迷わない そんな世界へ ゆけるはず
私は行く 新しい世界へ

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Central Link Grand Opening

Othello Station during testing, from Wikipedia.

Today marks the first day of the rest of Puget Sound's history: the opening of Sound Transit's Central Link, the first stage in the large-scale Link light rail network. I went for the ribbon cutting, since I always like firsts (search for "9:33 AM"). Note: while I do live in Bothell, I usually drive to Lynnwood on weekends.

I left early this morning via the first southbound 511, then transferred to a 7. I didn't know that they had shuttles for the occasion, but ran to a 97 shuttle to Mt. Baker Station. Note that the one I rode was a Metro DE60LF, not a Sound Transit bus. The shuttle driver missed the station, and had to turn around south of Columbia City station, and negotiate the small residential streets until we got back.

Now, I didn't actually have an inaugural ride ticket, since I had work at the time they were available, but I still managed to attend the ceremony behind the "public fence." Various people, including engineers and local activists and leaders gave their speeches. However, the most ceremonious act was when the mayor of Tukwila rode a Link train North and Greg Nickels rode another Link train South to Mt. Baker Station. They performed the ribbon cutting, then the inaugural riders, including the mayors, were allowed on the trains. To my surprise, I also managed to get a seat on the southbound inaugural train, which was a three-car train. There was plenty of seating.

The ride was quite smooth, with some great views and cool art. Everyone was very excited, and surprised at how comfortable the ride was. There's even A/C, which is likely what contributes to the most of noise that the Times was complaining about.

I rode from Mt. Baker, to Tukwila (the train turned around without forcing us to transfer at the end, which isn't normal service), back to Westlake Center, and lastly down to the International District. There was a lot of roundabout walking to transfer from northbound to southbound in the Tunnel, including exiting to the surface and re-entering.

I'm extremely excited to see what this new light rail line spurs. Who knows, I may be riding it from Lynnwood on my commute to Seattle!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


This song and this icon really suit my mood right now.

必要なものというのは そんなに多くはない



少し探してみることもなく すぐに忘れてゆく

You never need me You never need me
Need me You never need me
もう何もないの 何もないの

そう信じてみるけれど 今はそれさえあやしい



少し探してみることもなく すぐに忘れてゆく

You never need me You never need me
Need me You never need me

You never need me You never need me
Need me Forever never need me
You never need me never need me never need me
Forever never need
You never need me

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Standard XHTML and Flash

With the status of standardization of web "technologies" in such a sad state, "Web 2.0" really doesn't mean much on the code side.

I've found something interesting regarding standardized Flash support: a way to include it in strict XHTML (not "transitional"). It involves creating a dummy Flash movie that loads the first one. I found it in this blog entry..

The XHTML code for the movie is as follows, assuming the movie we actually want to load is movie.swf:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
<param name="movie"
value="c.swf?path=movie.swf" />

c.swf is a fairly simple bit of ActionScript:


According to the article, it loads the movie as expected and streams it. One caveat is that it won't operate properly if the browser doesn't support Flash. To fix that, something like this is necessary:

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash
<param name="movie"
value="c.swf?path=movie.swf" />
<img src="noflash.gif" alt="" />

Of course, the img tag can be replaced with any "alternate" element to be displayed when there's no Flash support. Pretty cool.