I've had an iPod Touch for quite some time now, but after upgrading to the 2.2 firmware, lost all of my old (corrupted) music. This means one thing: time to put music onto it. Rather than do ffmpeg and such by hand, I decided to write a pair of Python scripts to do it.
The first script is foreach.py, which iterates through each line in a file, interpreting each line as a file:
from sys import argv, stderr
class ArgLib2(object):
class Mapping(object):
def __init__(self, target):
self.target = target
def get_target(self):
return self.target
class ValuedMapping(Mapping):
def __init__(self, target, value):
ArgLib2.Mapping.__init__(self, target)
self.default_value = value
def value(self):
return self.default_value
def __init__(self, long = {}, long_synoms = {}, short_synoms = {}):
self.long, self.long_synoms, self.short_synoms = long, long_synoms, short_synoms
self.anonymous = []
self.error = False
def add_long(self, name, default_value = None):
self.long[name] = default_value
def add_long_synom(self, name, mapping):
self.long_synoms[name] = mapping
def add_short_synom(self, name, mapping):
self.short_synoms[name] = mapping
def get_value(self, name):
return self.long[name]
def set_value(self, name, value):
self.long[name] = value
def each_anonymous(self):
for arg in anynmous:
yield arg
def get_anonymous(self, i):
return self.anonymous[i]
def anonymous_len(self):
return len(self.anonymous)
def __getitem__(self, i):
return self.long[i]
except KeyError:
return self.anonymous[i]
except IndexError:
raise KeyError, 'No such option or anonymous index: %s' % i
def parse(self, args, stoplevel = None):
nopts = 0
self.anonymous = []
self.error = False
i = 0
while i < len(args):
arg = args[i]
if arg[0] == '-':
if arg == '--': # End parsing
i += 1
elif arg[1] == '-':
if '=' in arg: # Long arguments
parts = arg.partition('=')
tgt = parts[0][2:]
if tgt in self.long:
self.long[parts[0][2:]] = parts[2]
print >>stderr, 'No such option: %s' % parts[0]
else: # Long synonyms
mapping = self.long_synoms[arg[2:]]
if mapping.get_target() in self.long:
try: # Long synonyms that automatically set a value without an argument
self.long[mapping.get_target()] = mapping.value()
except AttributeError: # Long synonyms that require an argument
i += 1
if i < len(args):
self.long[mapping.get_target()] = args[i]
print >>stderr, 'Option requires a value: %s' % arg
print >>stderr, 'No such internal option: %s' % mapping.get_target()
except KeyError:
print >>stderr, 'No such option: %s' % arg
error = True
else: # Short arguments
options = arg[1:]
j = 0
while j < len(options):
mapping = self.short_synoms[options[j]]
if mapping.get_target() in self.long:
try: # Short synonyms that automatically set a value without an argument
self.long[mapping.get_target()] = mapping.value()
except AttributeError: # Short synonyms that require an argument
if j == len(options) - 1: # Must be the last short option to specify a value
i += 1
if i < len(args):
self.long[mapping.get_target()] = args[i]
print >>stderr, 'Option requires a value: %s' % options[j]
print >>stderr, 'Option requires a value: %s' % options[j]
print >>stderr, 'No such internal option: %s' % mapping.get_target()
except KeyError:
print >>stderr, 'No such short option: %s' % options[j]
j += 1
nopts += 1
if not (stoplevel is None) and nopts >= stoplevel:
i += 1
i += 1
if i > 0:
self.anonymous += args[i - 1:]
self.anonymous = args
return not self.error
def create_mapping(target):
return ArgLib2.Mapping(target)
def create_mapping_valued(target, default_value):
return ArgLib2.ValuedMapping(target, default_value)
from os.path import isfile
from os import fork, waitpid, WEXITSTATUS, execvp
from sys import exit
def forkexec(cmd, args, wait = True):
pid = fork()
if pid: # Parent
id, status = waitpid(pid, 0)
if wait:
estatus = WEXITSTATUS(status)
if estatus == 127:
print >>stderr, '%s: Unknown command: %s' % cmd
return estatus
return 0
else: # Child
execvp(cmd, args)
def chomp(string):
if string[-1] == '\n':
return string[:-1]
return string
def process_arguments(args, repl):
return [unicode(arg, encoding = 'utf8').replace('{}', unicode(repl, encoding = 'utf8')) for arg in args]
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = ArgLib2({
'mode' : None,
'fork' : None
'xargmode' : ArgLib2.create_mapping_valued('mode', 'xarg'),
'multifork' : ArgLib2.create_mapping_valued('fork', 'multi')
'x' : ArgLib2.create_mapping_valued('mode', 'xarg')
if parser.parse(argv[1:], 2) and parser.anonymous_len() >= 2:
cmd = parser[1]
if isfile(parser[0]):
f = open(parser[0], 'r')
if parser['mode'] == 'xarg':
args = []
run = True
while run:
# DO
ln = f.readline()
ln_len = len(ln)
while len(args) <= MAX_ARG_COUNT and ln_len > 0:
if ln != '\n':
# DO
ln = f.readline()
ln_len = len(ln)
forkexec(cmd, parser.anonymous[2:] + args)
args = []
if ln_len == 0:
run = False
elif parser['fork'] == 'multi':
for line in f:
if line != '\n':
line = chomp(line)
forkexec(cmd, process_arguments(parser.anonymous[2:], line), wait = False)
for line in f:
if line != '\n':
line = chomp(line)
forkexec(cmd, process_arguments(parser.anonymous[2:], line))
print >>stderr, '%s: No such file: %s' % (argv[0], parser[0])
print >>stderr, """Usage: %s [ options ] srcfile program ...
--xargmode: Act like xargs, running the program as many times as needed.
--multifork: For non-xargs mode, fork a process for each file but don't wait. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.""" % argv[0]
exit(1)Usage: foreach.py [ options ] srcfile program ...
--xargmode: Act like xargs, running the program as many times as needed.
--multifork: For non-xargs mode, fork a process for each file but don't wait. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.The second script is alac.py, which converts a file to ALAC using FFMPEG, and uses TagPy and AtomicParsley to copy some of the tags from the source file into the destination ALAC file:
from os import fork, waitpid, WEXITSTATUS, execvp, remove, dup2, pipe
from os import read as os_read
from os import close as os_close
from os import write as os_write
from os.path import isfile
from os.path import basename as os_basename
from sys import argv, stderr
from tagpy import FileRef
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
def convertFile(ifile, ofile):
if isfile(ifile):
print ifile, ofile
f = FileRef(ifile)
info = f.tag()
print '\nTitle:', info.title, '\nArtist:', info.artist, '\nAlbum:', info.album, '\nYear:', info.year, '\nTrack:', info.track, '\nGenre: ', info.genre
err = Popen(('ffmpeg', '-i', ifile, '-acodec', 'alac', ofile), stderr = PIPE).communicate()[1]
for line in err.split('\n'):
if 'Multiple frames in a packet' not in line:
print >>stderr, line
if isfile(ofile):
p = Popen(('AtomicParsley', ofile, '--artist', unicode(info.artist), '--album', unicode(info.album), '--title', unicode(info.title), '--year', unicode(info.year), '--tracknum', unicode(info.track), '--genre', unicode(info.genre)))
id, status = waitpid(p.pid, 0)
if WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0:
print >>stderr, 'Child exited with %d' % WEXITSTATUS(status)
return True
return False
return False
def basename(filename, extensions = []):
ret = os_basename(filename)
parts = ret.rpartition('.')
if parts[2] in extensions:
return parts[0]
return ret
if len(argv) >= 2:
for arg in argv[1:]:
if not convertFile(arg, unicode(basename(arg, ['flac']), encoding = 'utf8') + u'.m4a'):
print >>stderr, '%s: Failed to process: %s' % (argv[0], arg)
print >>stderr, 'Usage: %s infiles..' % argv[0]
I used these two scripts together in the following manner:
python ../foreach.py --xargmode $PLAYLIST python alac.pyNot only does it support FLAC input, but it supports anything that both AtomicParsley and FFMPEG support.
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